This Week in Lotus - Week 13 - 2023

Posted March 31, 2023 by  ‐ 2 min read

🚢 v1.21.0-rc2:

The second release candidate for v1.21.0 was shipped this week. This release candidate includes some backports that fixes:

  • The issue with lotus-miner sectors extend always outputting nothing to extend has been fixed in the release candidate.
    • We found another bug with extending deals that only affects miners that have never made a verified deal. We have created a fix for that bug, that has been back-ported as well, but is unfortunately not in the rc2.
  • RPC enhancements.
  • A panic in the new part of the lotus-miner proving compute window-post cmd, where we make skipped sectors human readable.
  • If you are a Storage Provider that pushes a lot of messages to the mpool within a short time period, we also back-ported a PR. You can export LOTUS_SKIP_APPLY_TS_MESSAGE_CALL_WITH_GAS=1 to help keeping in sync.

The compatible Boost branch for this release can be found here.

🪛 Fixes:

  • The pull request that will pause SplitStore compaction if the node is out-of-sync is currently in review.
  • A PR to get rid of the "error": "file does not exist" logging every time a FETCH happens on Storage Provider system has been merged. These errors has been cluttering the logs unnecessarily and are expected, as storage space can be reserved before any files are written.
  • Some locks in the mpool has been changed to enable a lot faster RPC calls. The PR has been reviewed and merged.
  • A PR that allow you to have a configurable output directory and filename for the lotus chain export-range command is currently in review.

Remember RIBS? The proof-of-concept for a Filecoin native blockstore that has some awesome features like not needing to split data into deal sized pieces, or not causing a high load everytime you build a deal car. It now has some new features like:

  • Web-based UI, RIBSWeb, which provides an advanced, but easy-to-use interface for managing RIBS nodes, and monitoring their status.
  • KuboRibs node - essentially a drag-and-drop interface for throwing data at Filecoin from IPFS.
  • ++ many more enhancements.

Check out the updated readme and all the new improvements here.

That’s it for the week! Have a great weekend! ☀️