Backup and restore

You can backup your Lotus node. You can then restore this backup if something goes wrong, or you simply wish to move your Lotus node from one computer to another.

This backup process is different to that of the lotus-miner backup. This backup process does not retain information related to a storage provider, it only backs up metadata for the Lotus daemon.


  1. Stop your lotus daemon if it is already running.

  2. Run lotus daemon backup:

    lotus backup --offline ~/lotus-backup.cbor
    2021-09-24T20:21:03.986Z        INFO    backupds        backupds/datastore.go:75Starting datastore backup
    2021-09-24T20:21:03.987Z        INFO    backupds        backupds/datastore.go:130
    Datastore backup done
  3. Your Lotus daemon data is now backed up into lotus-backup.cbor.


  1. Stop your lotus daemon if it is already running.

  2. Run lotus daemon while using the --restore option:

    lotus daemon 2>&1 --restore=offline-backup.cbor
    2021-09-24T20:24:51.729Z        INFO    main    lotus/daemon.go:218     lotus repo: /root/.lotus
    2021-09-24T20:24:51.730Z        INFO    paramfetch      [email protected]/paramfetch.go:191  Parameter file /var/tmp/filecoin-proof-parameters/v28-proof-of-spacetime-fallback-merkletree-poseidon_hasher-8-0-0-7d739b8cf60f1b0709eeebee7730e297683552e4b69cab6984ec0285663c5781.vk is ok
    2021-09-24T20:24:52.296Z        INFO    badger  [email protected]/value.go:1178      Replay took: 2.975µs
    2021-09-24T20:24:52.297Z        INFO    backupds        backupds/log.go:125     opening log     {"file": "/root/.lotus/kvlog/metadata/1632514590.log.cbor"}
  3. The lotus daemon should continue to run from the block height at which your backup was taken.

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