Backup and restore

It's imperative that you frequently backup your Lotus Miner. This page walks you through how to backup your Lotus Miner, and also how to restore your backup.


This process backs-up metadata of the Lotus miner, which is needed to restore the operation. This backup does not include sector data.

  1. Create a directory for this backup:

    mkdir -p ~/lotus-backups/2020-11-15
  2. Call backup to backup your miner and supply the destination for the backup.cbor file:

    lotus-miner backup /root/lotus-backups/2020-11-15/backup.cbor

    Add the --offline option if your miner is not currently running:

    lotus-miner backup --offline /root/lotus-backups/2020-11-15/backup.cbor
  3. Backup your config.toml and storage.json files:

    cp ~/.lotusminer/config.toml ~/.lotusminer/storage.json /root/lotus-backups/2020-11-15

The backup is now complete. Always follow the 3-2-1 rule when storing backups:

Keep at least three (3) copies of your data, and store two (2) backup copies on different storage media, with one (1) of them located offsite. - Nakivo, 2017


  1. Copy your backup.cbor, config.toml, and storage.json files to the miner’s directory if it is on another computer.

  2. Call restore to restore your miner from a backup file:

    lotus-miner init restore /root/lotus-backups/2020-11-15/backup.cbor
    2020-11-15T17:53:41.630Z        INFO    main    lotus-storage-miner/init_restore.go:254 Initializing libp2p identity
    2020-11-15T17:53:41.631Z        INFO    main    lotus-storage-miner/init_restore.go:266 Configuring miner actor
    2020-11-15T17:53:41.643Z        INFO    main    lotus-storage-miner/init.go:592 Waiting for message: bafy2bzacea3a7kqp3du5lwhm6xlaawxbz3ae7luefmhlcewljclauit7yexuq
  3. Copy config.toml and storage.json into ~/.lotusminer directory:

    cp lotus-backups/2020-11-15/config.toml lotus-backups/2020-11-15/storage.json .lotusminer
  4. Start your Lotus miner:

    lotus-miner run

The restore is now complete.

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