
This page offers some advice for what you should do only a daily or weekly basis

Inspect expiring sectors

The check-expire command lets you inspect which sectors are about to expire. By default it will display the sectors that will expire within 60 days:

lotus-miner sectors check-expire

If you want to display sectors that will expire later, or earlier, then 60 days from now, you can change the --cutoff option with your desired epoch length cutoff.

lotus-miner sectors check-expire --cutoff 345600
ID  SealProof  InitialPledge  Activation                      Expiration                  MaxExpiration                 MaxExtendNow
2585  8          1.111 FIL      920515 (48 weeks 1 day ago)     1938603 (in 2 weeks 1 day)     6176515 (in 4 years 3 weeks)   3448626 (in 1 year 25 weeks)  
1619  8          264.472 mFIL   395718 (1 year 22 weeks ago)    1947243 (in 2 weeks 4 days)    5651718 (in 3 years 29 weeks)  3448626 (in 1 year 25 weeks)  
1694  8          268.789 mFIL   410107 (1 year 21 weeks ago)    1961643 (in 3 weeks 2 days)    5666107 (in 3 years 30 weeks)  3448626 (in 1 year 25 weeks)  
2108  8          827.247 mFIL   599683 (1 year 12 weeks ago)    2065323 (in 8 weeks 3 days)    5855683 (in 3 years 40 weeks)  3448626 (in 1 year 25 weeks)  
3647  8          1.314 FIL      1534542 (17 weeks 5 days ago)   2141643 (in 12 weeks 2 days)   6790542 (in 4 years 34 weeks)  3448631 (in 1 year 25 weeks) 
3791  8          1.378 FIL      1614739 (13 weeks 5 days ago)   2221947 (in 16 weeks 2 days)   6870739 (in 4 years 38 weeks)  3448631 (in 1 year 25 weeks)

Extend sectors

You can extend the lifecycle of a sector with the lotus-miner sectors extend command:

lotus-miner sectors extend [command options] [arguments...]

Extend sectors by specifying an epoch interval

This is an example of selecting sectors with an expiration epoch between epochnumber-a and epochnumber-b, and extending those sectors with 1555200 epochs:

lotus-miner sectors extend  --from <epochnumber-a> --to <epochnumber-b> --new-expiration 1555200
Renewing 59 sectors: 
  "Extensions": [
      "Deadline": 0,
      "Partition": 0,
      "Sectors": "2282,2285,2383,2386,2388,2394-2396,2400-2406,2408-2416,2418-2420,2422-2423,2428,2430",
      "NewExpiration": 3760173
      "Deadline": 2,
      "Partition": 0,
      "Sectors": "2417,3769,3771-3772,3775-3776,3781,3783,3786-3787,3790-3791,3800,3802,3808,3814,3816,3834-3835,3839,3852,3860-3861,3878,3894,3904,3922,3961",
      "NewExpiration": 3760173
59 sectors extended

Please note that the command has to be executed with the --really-do-it flag to actually send the message. It’s good practice to check that the output is what the user expected before adding the flag.

Extend sectors specified by txt-file

This is an example of updating the lifecycle of sectors read from a file, and extending those sectors with 1555200 epochs:

lotus-miner sectors extend  --sector-file <your-sectorfile> --new-expiration 1555200
Renewing 7 sectors: 
  "Extensions": [
      "Deadline": 0,
      "Partition": 0,
      "Sectors": "2282,2285,2383,2386,2388",
      "NewExpiration": 3760196
      "Deadline": 2,
      "Partition": 0,
      "Sectors": "2417,3769",
      "NewExpiration": 3760196
7 sectors extended

Please note that the command has to be executed with the --really-do-it flag to actually send the message. It’s good practice to check that the output is what the user expected before adding the flag.

Extend only-cc sectors

If you only want to renew CC-sectors, there is an additional flag --only-cc which will ignore any deal sectors in a given interval, or file, when renewing.

lotus-miner sectors extend  --from <epochnumber-a> --to <epochnumber-b> --new-expiration 1555200 --only-cc
Renewing 2 sectors: 
  "Extensions": [
      "Deadline": 0,
      "Partition": 0,
      "Sectors": "2282,2285",
      "NewExpiration": 3760206
2 sectors extended

Please note that the command has to be executed with the --really-do-it flag to actually send the message. It’s good practice to check that the output is what the user expected before adding the flag.

Move partitions

Moving partitions between deadlines is enabled in the network version 21 upgrade in the Filecoin network. In lotus a storage provider can move their partitions with the lotus-miner actor move-partitions command. The command is a powerful tool that provides flexibility and control to Storage Providers (SPs) in managing their proving periods, which can be beneficial for various reasons such as system performance optimization, cost savings, and improved duty roster management. A couple advanteges of moving partitions between deadlines can be:

  • Creation of user-defined maintenance windows: SPs can create designated periods for maintenance activities without the risk of losing power.
  • Definition of free hours for better duty roster: SPs can allocate specific hours of the day as free hours, enabling them to optimize their duty roster. This can be achieved by moving partitions out of those hours.
  • Cost savings for large SPs on WindowPoSt hardware: Balancing the number of partitions across all the deadlines allows large SPs to optimize their hardware usage and reduce WindowPoSt hardware costs.
  • Relieving access stress on storage nodes: In scenarios where an excessive number of partitions are concentrated within a single deadline on specific storage nodes, redistributing some partitions to other deadlines can help alleviate access stress and improve overall performance.

Command Usage

Here is the basic usage of the command:

lotus-miner actor move-partitions --orig-deadline ORIG_DEADLINE --dest-deadline DEST_DEADLINE --partition-indices PARTITION_INDICES --really-do-it

Replace ORIG_DEADLINE, DEST_DEADLINE, and PARTITION_INDICES with your desired values. PARTITION_INDICES should be a comma-separated list of partition indices starting from 0.

The --really-do-it flag is required to actually execute the action. Without this flag, the command will only simulate the action.

When to Use

You can use this command when the deadline of the partitions has been proven. You can move partitions from one deadline to another if the proving period of the destination deadline is within 24 hours after the last proving deadline of the partitions.

Compacting partitions

Expired, removed and terminated sectors will be listed in your proving partition until you compact your partitions. To clean up a partition in a deadline we can use the lotus-miner sectors compact-partitions command. The network enforces a security measure that disallows compacting a partition in a deadline until 1800 epochs (15 hours) have passed. This is to enforce that compacting a deadline cannot be used to prevent invalid posts from being disputed.

The lotus-miner sectors compact-partitions also includes a safety measure that disallows compacting during a challenge window, or the prior challenge window. This is because compaction rearranges metadata, and if done too close to a windowPoSt it could cause you to miss a windowPost.

It is recommended to compact your partitions on a regular basis as it will save gas fees. All computations are captured and accounted for by the FVM, this includes the bitfield computation. If you have “dead” sectors stored in your lotus-miner actor state, every read/write to your sectors info will result in wasted computations leading to higher gas costs.

You can inspect which sectors and the partition index in a proving deadline with lotus-miner proving deadline --sector-nums <deadlineIdx>.

lotus-miner proving deadline 1
Deadline Index:           1
Partitions:               1
Proven Partitions:        0
Current:                  false

Partition Index:          0
Sectors:                  74
Sector Numbers:           [40 63 71 219 297 333 390 404 466 481 504 564 721 2510 2533 2549 2607 2623 2625 2691 2738 2740 2755 2764 2780 2853 2880 2908 2920 2932 2953 2982 3098 3099 3124 3136 3140 3146 3151 3205 3246 3252 3289 3344 3362 3365 3415 3432 3478 3537 3590 3591 3626 3638 3764 3782 3792 3886 3930 4004 4032 4044 4079 4148 4156 4177 4188 4223 4262 4295 4304 4410 4411 4419]
Faults:                   0
Faulty Sectors:           []

To compact a partition, you need to specify the deadline and the partition index lotus-miner sectors compact-partitions --deadline <Proving-Deadline> --partitions <Partition-Index>.

lotus-miner sectors compact-partitions --deadline 1 --partitions 0 --really-do-it
compacting 1 partitions
Requested compact partitions in message bafy2bzacecnmiea6y7yt776vhur5rdjgliw5cvlb7cuf4q643ntu44odjgh64

After the compaction message has been sent, you should be able to see that your proving deadline has been compacted and old sectors have been removed:

lotus-miner proving deadline 1
Deadline Index:           1
Partitions:               1
Proven Partitions:        0
Current:                  false

Partition Index:          0
Sectors:                  58
Sector Numbers:           [2510 2533 2623 2691 2738 2740 2755 2764 2780 2853 2880 2908 2920 2932 2953 2982 3098 3099 3124 3136 3140 3146 3151 3205 3246 3252 3289 3344 3362 3365 3415 3432 3478 3537 3590 3591 3626 3638 3764 3782 3792 3886 3930 4004 4032 4044 4079 4148 4156 4177 4188 4223 4262 4295 4304 4410 4411 4419]
Faults:                   0
Faulty Sectors:           []

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